30 Day Music Challenge

I saw this on Twitter over the last few days and thought it would be a bit of fun to do. I spent some time yesterday reading my old posts on the old blog and I do like to blether on about music in a nostalgic way so it seemed like an apt thing for me to do here. Music has always been, and always will be, an important part of my life so this list seems a great prompt for some writing.

It’s the 6th March now, so I’ve got some catching up to do so today you get six songs from me. If you want to join in, here’s the list and if you want to, feel free to comment on this post about my choices.

Day 1: A song you like with a colour in the title

True Blue – Madonna

As if by chance, my Facebook memories decided to remind me that it was a year ago today that I finally saw Madonna live in Auckland. A fan from an early age, I could often be found singing this song in my bedroom with a hairbrush. It has many fond memories attached to it and when she sang it last year, I felt 10 again. Read about it here, if you missed it: Review of Rebel Heart


Day 2: A song you like with a number in the title

Four Minute Warning – Mark Owen

Mark Owen’s solo music needs more recognition: fact. This tune is a stonker. It does everything it should and so much more. What would you do with a four minute warning?


Day 3: A song that reminds you of summertime

A girl like you – Edwyn Collins

This song takes me back to 1994. Every morning my radio alarm would go off and without a doubt this would get played on the Radio 1 breakfast show. It was a very happy summer, the summer after I sat my GCSEs. At the time I was in to rock and grunge, so this was a departure from what I was normally listening to, but it kind of became one of ‘my songs’. It deserves to be played LOUDLY.

Day 4: A song that reminds you of someone you’d rather forget

Central Reservation – Beth Orton

I actually had to think quite hard about this one, as a general rule I have is to not have regrets and move on from shit times in your life thinking about what you’ve learnt from them; it works for me. This is such a beautiful song but it does remind me of one of those dick boyfriends I really shouldn’t have wasted so much time and energy on. I still have his Beth Orton CD. It gives me a little bit of pleasure that I never gave it back because he absolutely loved it too.

I’ve had the pleasure of seeing Beth Orton twice live and thankfully I have nothing but happy memories of those times. Once I was with my bestie, who adores Beth as much as I do, and the second time was with my now husband…so take that idiot boyfriend! The remix is also outstanding so here’s the link to that if you want to dance…Central Reservation – The Then Again version – Beth Orton (Never realised the title of the remix until now, that seems kind of appropriate.)

Day 5: A song that needs to be played LOUD

Downtown – Macklemore and Ryan Lewis

In those end of year emails Spotify send you, this song was one of my most played last year and I wasn’t surprised. It had even overtaken my kids playing the Frozen soundtrack on repeat which is saying something. If anything shows how wide my music interests are it is probably my love of Macklemore. I love the wit of the words, the tune, the harmonies, the raps everything about it. It is a musical masterpiece, and when I had the pleasure of seeing them live last year, of course it was the encore. Just had to be. (I have also got very good at turning down the volume at certain words in the car, while the kids are there….as is necessary once you’re a mum!)

Day 6: A song that makes you want to dance

Stolen Dance – Milky Chance

I struggled with this one as there are so many songs that make me want to dance. I dance to anything and everything! But this has a special place in my heart. First time I heard this was on the Late Late Show and I was hooked straight away. It has been played more than one time at No Lights No Lyrca and each time I lose my shit. This May I am going to see them live. Going to the gig alone like a Billy no mates but I don’t even care. Love their music and can’t wait for the new album to come out this month.

In case you missed it, I wrote about dancing on the old blog too. It’s important to me. The joys of dancing


So, that’s me caught up. Hopefully I can post every day with a new song and when the month is over I will share the complete playlist on Spotify, but for now have a listen to the links and let me know what you think.


Author: miraclesofmatter

Living the kiwi dream, ex-pat Brit in Auckland, NZ. Mother to two girls. High School English Teacher. Interested in anything and everything. Has a tendency to get obsessed...in a good way. Should probably know better by now. Twitter: @nz_judester Instagram: @miraclesofmatter (request to follow)

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