“And now a slave to obsession, your strange delight, you lie awake”…where I confess to my obsessive tendencies.

If you know me, follow me on any kind of social media, or even if you have dipped into a few of my blog posts here in the past, you will know there’s a little (big) bit of me that is quite (a lot) obsessive in nature. I have been this way since I was a kid. I can remember liking stuff, and then needing to know every single thing I possibly could about it. This is normal kid behaviour. I see my girls doing it now. And that curiosity is a wonderful thing. It is that curiosity that brings about a love of learning and an extensive general knowledge. The bit in the brain that drives this does still clearly work well in my head; to the point where I get easily obsessed on quite a regular basis. Maybe I am just a big kid?

So this skill, yes, I’m going to call a skill, is excellent for working on projects in the work place. It’s a fantastic talent to have when planning a themed birthday party (my Pinterest says it all). I am very handy in a pub quiz as my head is literally filled with (some say) useless knowledge. It’s also a magnificent coping mechanism for stressful times. You see that’s when I fall into these obsessive patterns. Right now, it is the busiest time of the year at work, the pressure is on, and I am having to be pretty serious and professional most of the time. Exams need marking, reports need writing, and lessons need planning. It is relentless. And yet, here I find myself falling down a blissful hole of escapism. Not to escape from my entire reality, but to give myself some respite from the hum drum of daily live.

As much as I am a fantastical escapist, I am also a optimistic realist. I am very much in the moment but also able to drift away quite effortlessly on a whim of fancifulness. And do you know what? It. Is. So. Much. Fun.

The childhood curiosity that led me to rummaging through old book shops and libraries, cutting articles out of magazines and newspapers now finds me searching things on google. For the obsessive, the internet was a mighty fine invention and God bless Tim Berners-Lee for fueling my stanning. I’m sure he had Gary Barlow’s bum or Taron Egerton’s mole in mind when he started his work (maybe one day I will fall down an internet rabbit hole about the internet – that would certainly be meta).

Thankfully I know I am not alone in this. Although some of my friends are clearly rolling their eyes at me openly, my closest are also obsessives. And what’s even better is when you find someone to share your obsession with; the group chat will never be the same.

So tell me, what have you been obsessed with in the past? What have you found yourself searching for on YouTube at 1am? What is your current passion? Has a random photo of Harry Styles led you down a rabbit hole? A Miley Cyrus Glastonbury performance kept you up all night? Or is that just me?

In my next post I’m going to talk you through my latest obsession in all its glory…and it’s not just limited to one person. It has opened up myriad of connections. Until then, I’m off to Tumblr and Instagram. You’ll know where to find me.

Author: miraclesofmatter

Living the kiwi dream, ex-pat Brit in Auckland, NZ. Mother to two girls. High School English Teacher. Interested in anything and everything. Has a tendency to get obsessed...in a good way. Should probably know better by now. Twitter: @nz_judester Instagram: @miraclesofmatter (request to follow)

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